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We’ve got some news for you—smartphones aren’t going away. Neither are tablets or laptops. If you’ve been holding off on rebranding or overhauling your website in the hope of riding out this whole mobile trend, it’s time to admit defeat.
Responsive web design helps people interact with your website regardless of how they access it, whether they’re at the office on a 20-inch widescreen monitor or on their iPhone standing in line for burritos. Responsive design elegantly moves from large to small, horizontal to vertical, and mouse to finger. It’s become so essential, most website templates already incorporate responsive design into their code.
But what about your other brand elements? Font styles and colors adjust with your web design. But your logo you’ve used for 15 years? Unless you’ve already redesigned your logo to be responsive, chances are it’s holding back your web design.
Buyers respond to your logo, but is your logo responding to them?
Just like your website, your logo must respond and adapt to the size of the screen your buyers are using. The more intricate and detailed your logo, the less likely it is to play well on small screens and in smaller applications. That’s why many brands are simplifying their logos and creating alternatives that maintain the integrity of their brand and play well in a small environment.
Here’s an example of what we mean:
Source: Diony Creative
Coke, Disney, Chanel, and Levi’s are four of the most recognizable brands in the world. You better believe they spend months planning any changes to their logos. Yet as you see, they’ve invested the creative time to develop responsive logo designs. These companies understand that their brands must be instantly recognizable regardless of what devices buyers are using.
These are great examples of how responsive logo design looks and works. The original logo plays well on larger screens, where all the details in the logo come through. There’s lots of room for the swirls in the Coke logo and Cinderella’s castle in the Disney logo.
The next size down is for tablets and laptops. The logos have lost some of their detail, but font styles, colors, and other elements are clearly integrated. Each logo is still instantly recognizable. The third column of logos are even more stripped down for smartphone screens. Finally, the last column distills the logo down to an icon. This teeny tiny logo is called a favicon. They show up on the tabs of your browser (go ahead, take a look!).
Here are some responsive logos we’ve worked on for clients:
If you were waiting for the whole mobile device trend to go away, we’ve got some news for you. As more people use their smartphones and tablets to learn about your company and your products and services, your logo and your website must look great and be easy to use no matter the screen size.
Interested in learning more about responsive logo and web design? Let’s talk!