Start the Conversation: How to Use Video Marketing to Connect with Your Prospects

Video marketing continues to grow in popularity among marketing pros, and for good reason. Video marketing increases conversion rates and consumer interaction with your brand. It’s no wonder that business are spending $5.4 billion on video marketing—one expert estimates that a single video is worth 1.8 million words.

Despite its benefits, many small business owners are reluctant to dip their toes into video marketing. Some believe it’s too costly (it’s not), while others are so overwhelmed by the process that they don’t even know where to start (call us!). Here are three simple ways to start using video marketing to connect with your prospects.

1. Show off your knowledge with an explainer video.

You’re an expert at you do, so why not show off your knowledge? Many of us forget that most people—including our future clients—don’t know as much about our profession or industry as we do. We never want to assume what our prospects know about our products and services (you know how the saying goes about “assuming” . . .). Explainer videos are great ways to educate consumers and show off your expertise in the process.

Some of our favorites are in a video series we produced for a mortgage company. Our client’s staff spent much of their time explaining how credit works and how it affects a customer’s mortgage loan application. We created a Credit 101 video series to explain what credit is and how it can make or break the mortgage loan process. It made our clients look like superstars and provided valuable information for consumers.

2. Showcase your flagship product or service.

Sell a complicated product or provide a complex service? Process videos are wonderful ways to shed light on complex concepts. Animation can show off how a product works so prospects can easily understand its benefits. A visual breakdown of what it’s like to work with you helps make your service more tangible—and accessible.

We had the opportunity to help a medical device company develop a process video that illustrated how their product treated urinary incontinence. The video featured physicians explaining the problem and how the product solved it, and animation highlighted how the product worked.

3. Share your brand.

Stories are the most powerful way to sell a product or service. Telling an engaging story about your brand helps you build relationships with current and prospective customers. Video is the ideal way to share your story. You can showcase your staff, your facility, and your company history with on-site footage, interviews with staff, and even historical company photos.

One of our clients had such a unique story to tell that we transformed it from one long narrative into four short and engaging videos. Each video features the company’s founder in his trademark cowboy hat. Since the story is broken into four chunks, the builder’s story is easily shared with the world on the company’s website and social media channels.

Video marketing will continue to be an important marketing strategy in 2017. Ready to get on board? Contact the Solutionistas at Origin Marketing today. Shoot us an email or give us a call at (763) 498-9168 to get your video marketing project started.

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